As a multimedia artist, I find myself blissfully existing most often in the world of photography. When I’m not thinking about dipping my hands or clay, I exist in a place between photographic nostalgic and archive-based intellect. Melding together meaning through objects in a queer perspective on today’s capitalist and American pop cultures. 

Here is a link to my *normal* work. Think events, portraits, the like! 

Commercial Work

Below you can find my archives [artistic]


Click, just click it!

If it’s not working right now, that’s not my problem. I don’t run the department of transporation.
2024 [The Current Era] 
2023 [Cigarettes & Smoke]
2022 [I’m in fashion, I’m serious]
2021 [William goes to UIUC]
2020 [COVID means business] 
2019 [Ok, I’m gay & love this]
2018 [Ok, I like this]
2017 [I got developer in my eye]
2016 [My Google Drive is full]
2015 [What’s a camera?]
Prehistoric (2002-2014) 

Some of my current favorite photographs, and a little bit about them: 

The Fashion Network, Issue #11, “Garden of Destruction” (2023)


“Cry [My] Heart Out” (2022)

“Wild Party” (2023)

“Heraldo’s Makeup Bag” (2023)
“Venus: Caveat Emptor” (2023)
“America’s Favorite Past Time” (2022)
“Stockz & Bondz” (2023)
ffffff“We’re All Children Dressed in Adults’ Clothing” (2020)
“Wild Party” (2023)
“Attic Trip” (2023)
“The Fall” (2023)
“Wild Party” (2023)
“Stockz & Bondz” (2023)
“Wild Party” (2023)
“Razor Burn” (2022)
“TV Static” (2020)